Wednesday 18 September 2024

Alfie is taken to the Clinic - a Story of Boy Scouts

A Boy Scout Patrol turned up at Valley Paediatrics one afternoon. Of the boys, 13 year old Alfie, could be seen to have had his hands and arms expertly tied behind his back. Alfie was squirming, rubbing his bare thighs together in a futile effort to alleviate the rash of tiny, itchy red bumps on his inner thighs. The Patrol Leader, 15 year old Malcolm, explained to the friendly nurse how Alfie had been stung by nettles, but he didn’t say how it happened… that Alfie was stripped naked and chased around the Scout Camp, caught and pegged out with his arms and legs spread wide… how Alfie was tickle-tortured before a couple of his fellow Boy Scouts went in search of fresh stinging nettles… how they teased Alfie, dangling the fresh green nettles over him before tickling his extremely sensitive inner thighs with the tips of the stinging nettles. Alfie had to be further restrained by boys trying to hold him still as he twisted and turned, as much as any boy could who has been pegged out spread-eagled naked on the ground, in a futile attempt to avoid the nettles being gently rubbed against his tender, vulnerable flesh by his gleeful tormentors. The boys laughed and cheered as they saw the tiny red bumps appear on Alfie’s bare inner thighs. They all knew how itchy those little red spots were and how they would drive Alfie wild. Tied down as he was, there was no possible way for Alfie to scratch that itch. 

Being quite unaware of all this the nice nurse at Valley Paediatrics simply assumed that silly little 13 year old Alfie had got himself all tangled up in a patch of fresh stinging nettles. How he managed to do that was of no concern to her.

“We had to tie Alfie’s hands behind his back to stop him from scratching himself and making it worse,” Patrol Leader Malcolm told the nurse who immediately praised him for acting so responsibly.

“That was a very sensible precaution, boys… you did the right thing to stop Alfie from touching himself… scratching those tiny red spots wouldn’t stop the itchiness and only aggravate matters making the stinging sensation feel even more intense,” the nurse agreed as she ran her hands up Alfie’s otherwise smooth boyish bare legs. “My… the rash does go up a long way,” she added as she gently lifted one of the legs of Alfie’s exquisitely short Boy Scout shorts, “You were a little silly-billy, weren’t you?”

The Boy Scouts had to stifle their giggles when they realised Alfie was going to get the blame for getting his legs stung with the nettles. Just wait until she sees how far up we tickled Alfie with those fresh green stinging nettles, they each thought.

What the nurse didn’t know and didn’t for one minute suspect, was that Alfie’s bald penis had become fully, painfully erect while being tickled and the boys all thought it would be an interesting experiment to find out what would happen if they brushed the stinging nettles up and down Alfie’s nail-hard 3 inch boner. How the boys whooped with excitement when they saw the tiny red spots appear on Alfie’s stiff rod. One of the boys yelled: “Don’t forget his balls!” and Alfie’s tight pink crinkled scrotum was prodded and brushed with a fresh nettle tip until the whole little boy-sac was covered in red spots. Alfie was yelling his head off, begging the boys to untie him, to stop nettling him, but the boys were having so much fun they weren’t even bothered the Scout Master was videoing the whole proceedings!

“I think we’d better get these little shorts of yours off so I can see the full extent of your nettle-rash,” the nurse said.

Of course the ever helpful Patrol Leader offered the services of his fellow Boy Scouts and the nurse was happy to let the boys get on with it. Alfie struggled, but was held tight. He didn’t want to have his Boy Scout shorts taken off in the waiting area of the clinic where everyone could see. But what Alfie wanted and what happened were two entirely different things and anxious, itchy Alfie had his Boy Scout shorts quickly and expertly removed by two of his best friends in the Boy Scout Patrol. That wasn’t the end of Alfie’s humiliation, far from it as another boy stepped forward and started to undo Alfie’s Boy Scout shirt. Again Alfie struggled, but this time he added to his own humiliation by causing his penis bounce from side to side as he protested and begged his fellow Boy Scouts not to strip him naked in the waiting area of Valley Paediatrics.

Well, Alfie wasn’t stripped completely naked since that would have meant untying his arms and hands, so the boys simply opened Alfie’s Boy Scout shirt and pulled it right up at the back where they pushed it neatly into Alfie’s collar, leaving him as near totally naked as made no difference.

Even though the nurse was quite used to the sort of scrapes boys got into, even she gasped when she saw what she thought was the full extent of the red nettle-rash. She saw the red bumps almost completely covering Alfie’s now flaccid bald penis. She saw that even the tip of Alfie’s foreskin had little red dots on the wrinkled skin. The nurse gently lifted up Alfie’s soft, extremely itchy penis between her thumb and forefinger and gasped again when she saw the state of Alfie’s tight little scrotal sac. Where she had expected to see the pink winkled thick skin of a young boy’s scrotum, the scrotum of a boy on the cusp of puberty, she saw the tiny sac was inflamed, red and so obviously itchy and sore. She might have even guessed that Alfie would have given away all he possessed just to have a few seconds to rub and scratch the awful prickling sensation he felt.

“My, you have been in the wars,” the kindly nurse said as she felt for Alfie’s little baby-balls. She prodded and squeezed Alfie’s nut-sac until she her fingers felt the little round balls, “No harm done… but I think we’d better wait until Dr Miller has had a look at you…”

Had the nurse thought to retract Alfie’s foreskin she would have had yet another surprise when she saw the how glans of Alfie’s penis had also been brushed and tickled by the tips of fresh green nettles.

“... he’s very busy at the moment,” the nurse added as an afterthought.

Alfie was positively apoplectic: “H-how long w-will I have to w-wait?”

“Oh, Dr Miller shouldn’t be much more than an hour or so… he’s a very busy schedule… lots of boys needing their school term check-ups…”

“B-but… it’s ever so itchy… can’t you let them untie me… please?!”

“I think it’s best your friends look after you, but I don’t think it would be a good idea to untie you before Dr Miller gets here… best be on the safe side,” the nurse replied before adding, “Your fellow Boy Scouts have acted very responsibly by bringing you to the clinic… I think it would be a good idea for you to thank them all for taking good care of you… don’t you?”

There was no getting out of it and Alfie knew that he would have to do as the nurse said and so, red-faced and practically naked in the waiting area of the busy clinic, he thanked his Patrol Leader and the rest of the Boy Scout Patrol. They all knew what had really happened, but boys being boys, they kept that secret to themselves. They knew Alfie would too!


  1. This is all very well, but what is happening to Donald? and Oliver?

    1. I think this must be the least helpful comment I have ever received. Clearly I shouldn't have bothered posting the story.

    2. I'm sorry you think that. This is an interesting new scenario, but you are at the same time keeping us on tenterhooks as far as developments in other directions are concerned.

  2. Poor Alfie!

    Love the extra humiliation of having to turn and thank the very people that caused him to be in such a terrible situation, that's just adding insult to injury!

    Having to wait an hour in that busy clinic, who knows how many people will be coming and going and seeing him like that.

    Always a joy to see new stories from you Mogg, please keep them coming !

  3. Hi, Mogg...

    Nice to have another of your stories. I don't know where you dream up all the amazing stories from... just keep on doing it, please.

  4. what a great story..... perfect set up;.... that poor Alfie.... i wonder what his friends and the doctor have in store for him....
