Thursday, 23 January 2025

The Zoom Call

Dad was in his den/study busily talking to his friends on a Zoom call. On the big screen in front of him a dozen heads could be seen. The men had been talking and joshing with each other for over half and hour when behind dad, across the other side of the room, his son Chris appeared on the screens of everyone taking part in the call. They could see Chris’s hair was damp and still mussed up. They also saw that he was clutching a small towel that looked as if it couldn’t be much bigger than a face flannel in front of himself. Chris was otherwise totally naked having obviously just finished showering.

“Can I come in, dad?” Chris asked.

“Sure, son… come right in and say hello to the guys…” Dad replied making it clear the call was still live. 

Chris walked shyly forward, blushing slightly, to face the screen filled with the faces of his dad’s friends. Chris held on to the towel with one hand while he raised his other to wave at the camera. In doing so Chris gave everyone watching a very brief glimpse of his penis before he thought to reposition the little towel and cover himself as best he could.

“Hello everyone!” Chris called out to dad’s friends and the screen was filled with the sight of hands waving back at the boy. When saw himself in one of the little boxes in a corner right at the top of the screen Chris’s face reddened a little more as he saw what everyone on the screen could see… that he was almost naked after his shower.

“Was there something, Chris?” his dad asked.

Chris turned to look at his dad and unknowingly gave the guys on the Zoom call a perfect view of his bare bottom in profile: “Yeah, dad… what’s happened to all the towels in the bathroom? There was only one small one… and this,” he said looking at the tiny towel he was clutching between his legs. “I left the other one in the bathroom… it’s really wet after I finished drying off,” he explained when his dad made a face which seemed to question his son’s choice of towel.

“They’ll be in the wash… You should’ve checked before you got in, Chris… still, you managed ok?” he asked.

Then quite suddenly, before Chris could reply, his dad, in a playful spirit, reached out and grabbed hold of the little towel and snatched it clean out of his son’s hands, “Looks like you’re dry enough…”

Hey, dad… stop it!” Chris yelled, but everyone on the call saw the boy made no attempt to cover up. Clearly this was simply a father indulging in some harmless, light-hearted, playful teasing as dad waved the little towel to show everyone watching. There was some whooping and cheering from dad’s friends, clearly enjoying the wholesome fun.

When it became clear that dad had no intention of giving Chris his tiny towel back the boy meekly accepted he was to remain naked in full view of dad’s friends via the Zoom call, but of course what’s wrong with that? Chris thought. Embarrassing, yes, but to make a fuss, well that would be worse. Heck, it’s not as if there were any women or girls on dad’s Zoom call, only guys.

“Hey!” one of dad’s friends called out, “How old are you now, Chris?” he asked.

Chris turned to face the webcam, he face a shade deeper red. These were his dad’s friends, so he had to be respectful: “I was sixteen a month back, Mr Harris” Chris replied with due deference, bravely making no attempt to cover himself.

“Com’n, Chris… stand a bit closer so the guys can see you properly…” his dad said and then addressed the screen, “Would you like Chris to tell you a bit more about himself, guys?”

The response was positive and soon Chris was fielding a barrage of questions about school, his friends, what sports he liked and what teams he supported, what his hobbies were and so on. Chris answered all their questions with an endearing honesty, while completely naked standing in front of dad’s top-of-the-range HD webcam.

There was about Chris an appealing naivete that had his dad’s friends eager to know more about the boy. As the call continued dad more than once asked his pals if they were sure they hadn’t had enough of Chris for one day.

“Heck no!” came the reply from one of the guys, “I wish my boy was so willing to talk so openly… Stevie just clams up when I ask him anything… I reckon Chris has told me more about himself in the last five minutes that Stevie has told me since he… well, you guys know what happens when a boy… y’know, when a boy starts to grow up…” There was a general murmur of agreement, chuckles and observations about how secretive and withdrawn teen boys get as their hormones kick in during puberty.

All throughout the lengthening Zoom call no one had mentioned or drawn attention to the quite obvious fact that Chris’s penis was, at sixteen, still almost totally bald. A small patch of light, wispy hair could just about be discerned at the base. Although his penis was a nice length - maybe six inches flaccid - it was still fairly slim, that’s if the thickness of Chris’s penis was compared with those of other boys his age. The skin of Chris’s smooth scrotum, which his dad sometimes humorously referred to as Chris’s ‘bean-bag’, had loosened of late so that the plump balls were beginning to hang.

As Chris moved about during the Zoom question and answer session, his dangling penis, complete with its cute overhanging foreskin that added an extra quarter of an inch to its length, swung gently to and fro between Chris’s thighs.

Dad, seated on his chair, pulled his son over to stand next to him and put an arm affectionately around Chris’s waist. He was clearly proud to show off his son to his friends on the Zoom call. All the time dad made sure Chris was facing the webcam and therefore on full view. At one point he even asked Chris to pass him something which was on his desk right next to the webcam. For a few seconds Chris’s penis flopped forwards filling the screens of everyone watching. Dad laughed good-naturedly at the surprised looks of his friends as they saw Chris’s teen boyhood so close up.

Chris was then encouraged to tell everyone how much he enjoyed PE lessons at school after dad had chipped in that his son always got top marks for his PE performance grades and so the questioning focused more on that aspect of Chris’s school life. At this point, after Chris had been standing all the time next to his dad, he started to lean on his dad’s shoulders.

“Want to sit on my lap a bit?” Chris’s dad asked.

Chris took up the offer, climbed on with his back to his dad, straddling his dad’s lap facing the webcam. Chris had spread his thighs wide when he sat and this meant he was of course fully exposed with his long, slim penis hanging down between his spread legs. If he was conscious of the display, he managed not to show it. Heck, it was only a bunch of dad’s friends on a Zoom call! Nothing for a normal, straight up teen boy to be self-conscious about, was there?

But that wasn’t to say Chris felt comfortable to be quizzed sat naked, thighs spread wide on his dad’s lap. Far from it, but, as teen boys so often do, they want to be accepted as being one of the grown-ups too. Chris kept telling himself not to be embarrassed, after all the guys were friendly and had sons of their own, so they were used to seeing boys naked… for sure. Nothing strange in that. Chris knew that to cover up would be a sign of immaturity, weakness even, traits to be avoided by teen boys. He knew that you would more likely to be teased, ribbed, or even made fun of if you show signs of shyness or modesty, which would be more embarrassing than ever! He’d seen it in the locker-room at school when boys tried to change without letting anyone see their boyish attributes. No, Chris told himself he was made of sterner stuff. He could handle it… but then dad fiddled with the Zoom controls and Chris suddenly saw his image taking up a larger part of the screen. Now it was even more apparent to Chris what the guys on the call could see. In superb High Definition Chris saw himself sat on dad’s lap, legs splayed, totally exposing his penis and balls to the viewers logged onto the call.

There was something about seeing himself so totally exposed that caused Chris’s penis to start moving. Chris wriggled about on dad’s lap in a vain attempt to play down the sight of his developing erection. Dad, thinking Chris was about to fall off, gripped his son’s arms to steady him, which made Chris feel more helpless than ever in trying to disguise what was happening to his penis. Of course all this movement had made Chris’s penis wobble about drawing unwanted attention to itself.

It could have been the sight of Chris’s penis flopping from side to side that caused one of dad’s friends to open up and speak about a problem his son had: “My boy Donnie’s foreskin is a bit tight. Do any of you guys know how to deal with that situation?” he asked.

There was some murmurings from various quarters before Chris’s dad spoke up: “Funny you should mention that, Bert, but Chris’s foreskin used to be pretty tight, didn’t it Chris?” Chris nodded nervously, but this revelation announced to dad’s friends was just too much and all he could manage was to mumble in the affirmative. Dad didn’t even notice his son’s reaction and explained, “Yes, we took Chris to his paediatrician thinking that we maybe would have to have him circumcised, but it turned ok didn’t it, Chris?”

“Daaaad…please… Do we have to talk about this?”

“There’s nothing to be embarrassed about, Chris, lots of boys have trouble getting their foreskins back… you were lucky your paediatrician knew how to treat it…”

“But, daaad…

“Look, Donnie’s dad has asked a perfectly straightforward question and he needs to know what can be done… you don’t want Donnie to have to be circumcised, do you?”

“No, dad…” Chris was so embarrassed by the turn in conversation that he could barely look at the screen in front of him and glanced to one side… anywhere so that he didn’t have to see what his dad’s friends could see… himself sitting naked with legs splayed across his dad’s lap.

“So are we going to help and tell Donnie’s dad what he needs to do to loosen up Donnie’s foreskin?”

Chris nodded, ashamed for not offering to help: “Yes, dad…”

“That’s better, Chris… so tell the guys what we had to do to get your foreskin nice and loose…”

Chris gulped. This was going to be really, really difficult.

Dad ruffled Chris’s hair: “C'mon, son… let’s show them how it’s done…”

Chris bravely faced the camera again after glancing at his dad for reassurance. Donnie’s dad could see how embarrassed Chris was, so tried to help things along: “Was your foreskin that tight, Chris?”

“Um… yeah, I couldn’t get it right back when…. when I was… y’know…”

Chris’s dad stroked his son’s arm with one hand and moved his other to Chris’s thigh: “When your penis was fully erect… that’s what you mean, isn’t it?”

Chris nodded, feeling as if there were a couple of frogs leaping about in his stomach: “Yes, dad…”

“Even when Chris didn’t have a hard-on,” his dad explained to his friends watching, “he had difficulting retracting his foreskin fully… so what did Dr Miller do?”

“Er… he rubbed some stuff around my… round the head of my, er y’know… sort of pushed his finger under the skin and spread it around…”

“Then what happened at the clinic?”

Chris’s face broke into a sort of half smile: “Duh, I got a boner!”

There was laughter from dad and his friends as dad hugged Chris: “I didn’t mean that… I meant what did Dr Miller do next?”

The laughter died down as dad continued: “He eased your foreskin back a little at a time, didn’t he and gradually worked the ointment around the head of your penis… actually it was just as well that you got a stiffy so the doctor could best see what the problem was…”

“And that helped?” Donnie’s dad asked.

“Sure… look, I’ll show you,” Chris’s dad replied and without showing the least concern, reached round and took hold of his son’s penis. With his left hand he gripped the shaft and with his thumb and forefinger pressed against Chris’s foreskin, gently began to retract the skin.

Chris’s feelings about this were totally conflicted. Whereas he knew dad had every right to hold his penis and demonstrate to Donnie’s dad the exercises to keep his foreskin nice and loose, taking hold of it in full view of his dad’s friends was something else. But as humiliating as it was to have the head of his uncircumcised penis slowly revealed before the webcam, Chris was still subjected to feelings he didn’t understand. Why on earth did was it arousing him? His feelings quickly turned to those of shame and guilt that he couldn’t control himself. Dad hadn’t helped him to retract his foreskin for over year, merely making sure Chris wasn’t having any more problems that needed to be brought to the attention of Dr Miller during Chris’s regularly attendance for check-ups at the paediatric clinic.

“Chris, can you reach over and grab the webcam… I’d like the guys to be able to see what I’m doing a bit better… that’s it, Chris, hold the webcam and you can see the output on the screen… yes, that’s better… just hold the webcam a bit closer… good now the guys can view your penis in close-up…”

Although they couldn’t see him, dad looked up and addressed the screen: “Can you all see what I’m doing with Chris’s foreskin?”

The guys could see alright. Their screens were all full of Chris’s slowly engorging teen penis, its foreskin being manipulated by dad’s fingers and thumb. Dad carefully eased the skin backwards and forwards, each time gently pulling the skin back a bit further as more and more of the head of Chris’s penis was revealed to dad’s friends watching on the Zoom call.

“See how easy it is… there we go… back over the head and now see how easily it slips right back fully retracted… you wouldn’t believe how tight it used to be…”

Chris was struggling not to embarrass himself any further, but dad continued with the demonstration not seeming to realise how anxious his son was becoming. Obediently Chris held onto the webcam, pointing it at his own penis, his eyes darted between the monitor to make sure his dad’s friends could see his foreskin being manipulated and looking back at what dad was doing between his legs.

Then dad rolled Chris’s foreskin back over the head of his son’s penis to cover it up once more. He let go, moving his hands to rest on Chris’s smooth thighs. The penis was now clearly semi-tumescent and Chris sucked in his lower lip and prayed it wasn’t too obvious. But what dad said next made it feel to Chris as if there were a couple more frogs joining their friends in his stomach.

“You have a go, Chris… give me the webcam and show the guys how you can get that skin right back on your own now…” Chris hesitated, as I’m sure any boy would, knowing that any more manipulation of his foreskin over the sensitive head of his penis would lead to the inevitable full erection. He was fighting to keep himself under control as it was, but to demonstrate to his dad’s friends how he could retract his foreskin all by himself would, he knew, be a disaster for his self-esteem. Chris knew most of dad’s friends. How would it be now they had seen him naked sitting on his dad’s lap? If that was going to be tough, what in god’s name would it be like to meet them after they’d seen him playing with his foreskin and getting a full erection on camera?

“Come on, Chris,” his dad urged, “Donnie’s dad needs to know how to deal with a tight foreskin. Show him the exercises Donnie will have to do to loosen up his foreskin.”

Dad, having repositioned the webcam so that Chris’s face as well as his body were back in frame, realised what was happening and chuckled: “You’re not going all shy on us, are you?” he teased, which only made Chris feel more self-conscious than ever.

Chris all but squirmed on his dad’s lap as he was teased: “Daaad…

But his dad wouldn’t take ‘no’ for an answer, continuing to pester his son until Chris relented: “Okay… okay…”

Dad’s friends on the screen were all smiling at this display of wholesome dad/son bonding. They all knew this was all part of a healthy relationship between a mid-teen boy and his father. There should be no secrets and little that should be off-limits. They had all experienced the type of problem that arises as a boy enters puberty and thinks he knows it all, so to witness Chris interacting his dad was both endearing and a privilege. 

Chris could feel everyone’s eyes focused on him as leant forward and looked down at himself before moving his hands to take hold of the head of his penis. Using the thumbs and forefingers of both his hands, he pressed them against the side of his penis. Chris nervously eased the skin back. He could feel the stiffness of his teen cock as it pushed against his fingers. Chris risked turning his head to look at his dad, as if seeking his approval.

Picking up on his son’s need, Chris’s dad stroked his son’s back: “Good boy, Chris… you’re doing great… keep moving that skin so Donnie’s dad can see what’s involved…”

Chris looked back at himself and was horrified to see a bubble of pre-cum had oozed from the tip of his fully exposed glans. By the pressure being exerted against his fingers he knew his penis was almost certainly fully erect. The only way to hide this was for Chris to keep pushing his penis down against the stiffness… as much as he could anyway. He prayed that no one could see what was happening, but he couldn’t stop another clear bead of teen pre-cum from forming. Chris quickly eased his foreskin back to cover the glans in the hope the leakage hadn’t been noticed, but all that did was to make matters worse.

“You having problems there, Chris?” Dad asked.

“N-no… it’s, er nothing, dad…”

“Here… let me see…”

It’s okay, dad… please… I’m okay…”

But it wasn’t okay… far from it, as more pre-cum bubbled up a string of goo slowly formed and hung from the tip of Chris’s penis. Now everyone watching could see how worked up Chris was.

Dad looked over Chris’s shoulder: “Looks like someone is getting a little over excited…”

Gee, dad… I’m sorry… I didn’t mean to… honest…”

Dad consoled his obviously upset son: “It’s alright… take it easy… these things happen…” but he made no attempt to finish the Zoom call. What did it matter if the guys watching saw Chris’s distress. Heck, they had their own boys to look after. They knew what it was like for a dad with a teen boy who couldn’t control himself. They’d seen it all before… but never like this on a Zoom call!

Gently Chris’s dad took hold of his son’s wrists and pulled his hands out of the way. Chris’s penis jerked up as he was made to let go. The string of pre-cum dribbled, glistening down the shaft. Chris, legs wide apart hanging over his dad’s thighs, was forced to display his now fully erect teen penis in full view of the webcam. He was mortified. But worse was to come.

There was silence for a few moments as everyone got an eyeful of Chris’s erect penis pointing up almost vertically. It jerked and throbbed, totally out of control. Chris’s plump balls were now, for the first time, fully displayed in their hairless sac. They too slowly moved of their own volition.

Chris’s dad leaned against his son and whispered so that his friends couldn’t hear: “There’s nothing to be ashamed of, Christopher… there’s only us guys here…” he leaned in closer, “When did you last masturbate, Chris?”

Chris’s penis twitched as more pre-cum dribbled down the shaft: “Daaaaad…

“Look, Chris, don’t take this wrong, but boys your age are just total spunk machines… you can’t help it, but you need to empty your balls otherwise, well… look at yourself… look what happens… you need to get those balls emptied… you’ll feel better for it…”

But, daaaad…”

“C’mon, Chris… tell your dad when you last emptied those balls of yours…”

Chris couldn’t believe it could get any worse. Red-faced and feeling more ashamed than he’d felt in his whole life, blurted out to his dad: “Five days ago…”

Chris’s dad was stunned into silence. It took him a few seconds to process the information his son had just given him. He shook his head and spoke: “Jeez… five days! You kidding? What in heavens name for?”

“It… It’s kinda hard to explain…”

“I know it’s hard to talk about these things, son… but I’m your dad, you can trust me…”

Dad’s friends maintained a respectful silence. They could tell this was an intimate dad/son moment. They were privileged witnesses.

Chris, his leaking fully erect penis still throbbing, went on to tell his dad what happened. It turned out that he had found a website that had promised to help him improve his athletic performance. Keen to find out more, Chris had set up an account on the site. Boys were told how uncontrolled, compulsive masturbation saps a boy’s energy and it was only through self-discipline and masturbation denial they could hope to become top athletes. Boys were expected to share details of their successes or failures in keeping to a strict regime, all the while being helped, supported and encouraged by the online community and the experienced coach who ran the site.

Chris’s dad took this all in his stride. He’d heard the stories of boys seeking to improve their athletic performance by self-imposed chastity, but had never expected his own son to be one of them. He was also unconvinced of the efficacy of masturbation denial. To his mind all this did was to make boys hornier than ever… the proof of which he had sitting on his lap!

“Chris, I know much this means to you and you want to do your best, but you can’t expect to go without masturbating for that length of time… I mean, look at how horny you are… it’s just not normal for teen boy to hold in all that spunk… you gotta empty these balls, son…” And as he spoke these words Chris’s dad cupped his son’s testicles and gently moved them with his fingers, “... they’re full fit to burst…”

Chris groaned as more pre-cum oozed from his penis which was now glistening with the fluids he was unable to stop leaking out. Chris was caught between embarrassment caused by his inability to control himself, the humiliation of his exposure in front of all his dad's friends and the compulsive desire to masturbate to ejaculation... no matter who was looking at him. Dad knew his son was desperate to masturbate. It was a fact every caring father knew, that a boy is simply unable to go for so long without jerking off. He looked up at the screen and spoke to his friends:

“Look guys, I know this call has been dragging on a bit longer than we expected and there’s a couple of things we still need to discuss, so would you guys mind if Chris masturbates while we catch up with stuff?”

There was general agreement among dad’s friends: “Sure… that’s okay.” “ …fine with me… no problem…” “You let Chris do what he needs to do… no big deal…” 

Knowing it wouldn’t present a problem, dad looked back at Chris. He took hold of and lifted his son’s hand and moved it towards Chris’s stiff rod: “Take hold of it, son… it’s okay, the guys don’t mind… you jerk-off now and empty those balls… okay?”

With dad’s help, Chris wrapped his hand around his penis. Almost without thinking he tightened his grip. It felt good, but he was still unsure and looked up at the screen full of the faces of his dad’s friends all watching him. One of them saw how nervous Chris was and called out: “Go for it, Chris…” Chris saw a couple of the other guys give him the thumbs-up as an encouragement that it was okay for him to masturbate. There was nothing else Chris could do and with his dad’s help he started stroking himself. Dad relaxed, moved his hand away and left Chris to carry on.

Dad looked up to address his friends and started talking about the organisation of an upcoming family barbeque, while Chris sat naked on his lap openly rubbing his fully erect penis. Chris could hardly believe what was happening as he heard his dad’s friends begin to discuss the arrangements for a fishing trip. But these thoughts were soon dissipated as he felt for the first time in what seemed like an age, that special feeling building up, the tingling sensation as he continued masturbating directly in front of the webcam.

Chris knew he had to masturbate. He was desperate to get the release, the thrill, to feel the climax that urged a boy on until his spunk erupted and sprayed out. But there were other sensations going through his head that he didn’t understand. It was just so weird. Most of the time he only ever masturbated solo, on his own up in his bedroom, but he had done it with one or two of his close friends a few times and Chris was aware of the extra buzz he got from having his mates watch him as he ejaculated. But these were dad’s friends who could see his fist whipping up and down his hard teen cock. JEEZ… here it comes!!!

Chris’s dad didn’t need to be told even though his son gasped and blurted out the words. He felt Chris’s legs gripping his thighs tight as the boy convulsed and rocked back in his lap pressing against his chest. There was a seconds silence… a stillness almost before the first blast of teen boy-cum sprayed out. Chris completely lost control. He felt his heart thumping as he pumped out more and more of his boy-juice. Ropes of cum splattered up over his chest and onto his shoulder, with one globulous splodge of spunk shooting right over to land on his dad’s shirt. 

Woa! Watch where that’s going, Chris…” his dad chuckled as he felt his son’s cum ooze through the thin cotton material of his shirt, but he was happy and proud that Chris had emptied his balls.

Chris was left gasping, totally exhausted after his performance. He slumped back to rest against his dad and let his arms hang loose at his side, barely able to mutter the words: “Wow… that was…” before he looked up at the screen. Dad’s friends had burst into spontaneous applause. The clapping died down just as Chris noticed something that made his stomach churn. He stared at the screen in disbelief. “Shit, shit... shit...

Sat on his dad’s lap facing the webcam and with his own freshly ejaculated spunk running in rivulets down his naked body, Chris saw one of his classmates, Doug Hanley, peering at him out from the screen. Chris realised that Doug must have seen everything on his own dad’s monitor. This did not look good.

Doug was smiling gleefully as he waved:  “Hiya, Chris. See you at school tomorrow!